How to open a bank account online in Nepal?
With digital access, anything has been easier, more accessible, and more convenient. While a few years ago, customers had to wait in lines to receive their service, it’s no doubt that the digital and online process has made it so much easier. Talking about banks, currently, all these banking sectors are providing the best online services for customers to get their work done more conveniently and faster.
The most basic facility from the bank is to open a personal account. So anyone can open their bank account through a very easy online process. How? here is the guide.
Steps to open a bank account online in Nepal
Step 1:
Check which bank you want to open your bank account or simply take a reference. If you are already sure which one you’re interested in, then go to their official website.
Step 2:
Once you open the official website, search for the online Account opening menu which can be found in any respective bank site. There will be a form shown on your screen to fill out for your online bank account.
Step 3:
Fill your form with respective information which will include personal details, family information, and similar other details. Once you’re done filling inaccurate information, at last, you will be asked to fill captcha that will be already provided.
Step 4:
You will be now provided an OTP code which should be entered then proceed to fulfill other information along with documents information and the number of whichever document you are providing. There will also be a nominee selection as well, which one can provide as their wish.
Step 5:
After filling information, you will have to provide documents as well. This will include a front passport-size photo, front, and back photos of the national id, birth certificate, or any basic document from which you have selected to provide.
Step 6:
Once you’re done with all the providing and uploading, the bank will provide terms and conditions, you will have to simply accept the terms and conditions and further proceed to the next.
Step 7:
Finally, you are almost done, you can once again check out every detail regarding the information you have provided. Then once you’re done rechecking and reviewing, submit the forms to the bank. The details cannot be changed after you submit it.
Step 8:
The form will be sent for approval, and once the bank has approved your form, individuals will be provided with their respective account numbers.
These were the overall guide to open a bank account online in Nepal. There might be slight differences depending on the banks, but overall the process is similar for opening any bank account. However, if you’re thinking to open a bank account online, then why not use this article as a reference? Just remember to provide the correct accurate information.
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